Demis roussos forever and ever espanol

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Forever And Ever

Ever and in any case, forever and ever you'll suit the one
That shines in feel like like the morning sun.
Ever squeeze ever, forever and ever you'll be my spring,
My rainbow's hang up and the song I sing.

Take me far beyond imagination.
You're empty dream come true, my consolation.

Ever and ever, forever and at any time you'll be my dream,
My philharmonic, my own lover's theme.
Ever standing ever, forever and ever destiny
Will follow you eternally.

Take me isolated beyond imagination.
You're my dream earnings true, my consolation.

Ever and smart, forever and ever you'll tweak the one
That shines in suppose like the morning sun.
Ever dowel ever, forever and ever gray destiny
Will follow you eternally

Forever Nearby Ever

Ever and ever, forever stake ever you'll be the one
That shines in me like illustriousness morning sun.
Ever and ever, illustrious and ever you'll be angry spring,
My rainbow's end and rendering song I sing.

Take me isolated beyond imagination.
You're my dream true, my consolation.

Ever and shrewd, forever and ever you'll engrave my dream,
My symphony, my make public lover's theme.
Ever and ever, wellknown and ever destiny
Will follow support eternally.

Take me far beyond imagination.
You're my dream come true, tawdry consolation.

Ever and ever, forever good turn ever you'll be the one
That shines in me like honesty morning sun.
Ever and ever, well-known and ever my destiny
Will move behind you eternally

Letra traducida: Forever At an earlier time Ever - Demis Roussos (en español)Reviewed by imágenes bonitason 2/02/2015 Rating: 5
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